GSWPA volunteers have H.E.A.R.T. | Volunteer Feature with Becky Robert

Hand-raiser. Expert. Advocate. Resource. Teacher.

Becky  was nominated as a GSWPA volunteer with H.E.A.R.T. for going above any beyond for the girls and her Service Unit during the 2018 Cookie Program.

Becky Robert
Bethel Park | Troop 51234

How long have you been a volunteer with Girl Scouts?
Currently in my 14th year of volunteering.

What do you like best about your role with Girl Scouts?
Watching the friendships grow and being able to help other people.

Describe a moment you've had in Girl Scouts you'll never forget.
When my first group graduated high school and they all had their college blankets at the fly up ceremony to Adult Girl Scout. Most of the kids were with us since first grade. It was humbling and I will never forget the words of thanks that came our way and how proud of each of them we were and still are to this day!

What do you most want your Girl Scouts to learn from you or remember about you and their Girl Scout experience?
Honesty, integrity, and service to others will keep you grounded. Respect is earned, and there is a time to work hard and a time to relax by the fire. When people are deliberately mean, steer clear of them. Keep learning and keep teaching—and keep those forever friends. I hope they know how proud we are of them and how much they enhanced MY life as well as my co-leaders.

Ask your Girl Scout to share what their volunteer means to them by sending us one of these: 
• A photo of the two of them together 
• A photo of a short, hand-written note of thanks 
• A short thank you video 
Send all media to
